Motorola 68HC11 Microcontroller
Index of the 68HC11 pages
About the microcontroller
Here you can find some general information like subsystems and versions:
to the 68HC11 microcontroller
This webpage introduces the inner workings of the 68HC11 microprocessor,
and provides some details on the assembly language for the 68HC11. This webpage
is adapted by Harry Broeders from the "Introduction to 6811 Programming"
written by Fred Martin of M.I.T.
The THRSim11 68HC11 simulator
Check out this simulator for windows. Latest version available per March
Buy your own 68HC11 board
The EVBplus2 is a really
nice board for a fair price. It can be used (just like any other EVB compatible
board) in combination with the THRSim11 simulator to debug your programs
"on board".
If you want to build your own 68HC11 board check out the so called
"Handy Board". This board is designed
by the MIT Media Lab. The design documentation includes schematics, PCB layouts,
and assembly instructions.
For Dutch speaking visitors: Ook in Nederland is een leuk 68HC11 bordje te
koop: de
68HC11 cursus.
GNU C/C++ compiler for
This compiler makes it possible to program the 68HC11 in the high level
programming language C. The gcc compiler generates ELF output files containing
the machine code for your program and DWARF debugger information. The THRSim11
simulator uses this information to show you the C source code and C variables
while debugging your program. More information
about THRSim11 C debugging support is available here.
Technical reference data
These pages contain instructions, interrupt vectors and registers.

This are all the application notes, brochures, data sheets, engineering
bulletins, reference manuals, selector guides and more about the 68HC11.
These are from the CD you can order from Motorola.
Study books

If you want to know more about the 68HC11 take a look at these books. You
can now order your own CD containing several 68HC11 manuals directly from
68HC11 help files in MS-Windows help format
(138kB) from Virtual Micro Design.
A must have for everyone who does 68HC11 software development on a MS-Windows
OS. This windows help includes:
A complete and detailed description of the 68HC11 instructionset.
A complete description of all I/O registers with the description of the
individual bits.
Several useful diagrams.
Links to other 68HC11 pages
Visit some other 68HC11 pages.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.
This site was made by the Rijswijk Institute of Technology (Technische Hogeschool
Marco de Wilt, 1997
Harry Broeders, 1998
Mark Borst, 2000
Daniël v/d End, 2002