Version 1.0 January 1998 © Jerry Brons and
Harry Broeders.
This page contains a Java Applet. A Java Applet is a small Java program that could run in a web browser. This technology is deprecated now and is no longer supported since 2017, see Wikipedia. But it is still possible to run this software in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge by installing an extention or add-on, see:
When the game starts a picture is cut into a number (typically 16) of rectangular pieces (all of the same size). The piece on the bottom right is removed. The remaining pieces must then be randomly shuffled around by pressing the S key. (In some browsers you first have to click on the picture to let it pay attention to you.) To solve the puzzle you have to recreate the original picture again by sliding pieces into the empty spot.
If you click a piece surrounding the empty spot it will slide into the empty spot. You can move more than one piece with one click as expected.
You can use the arrow keys to move the pieces immediately surrounding the empty spot. There are already a lot of slide puzzles on the net (sometimes called 15 puzzles). Our version is almost unique however. If you can't solve it our 15 puzzle can solve itself! Press the SPACE bar to bring the puzzle one step nearer to its solution. Pressing the SPACE bar continuously will eventually solve the puzzle!
Choose a picture and select a number of pieces.
Choose a color for the hole (the missing piece).
your mind pal! (4x4). Read also the history
of this puzzle.
The classic 15 puzzle. Read
also the history of this famous puzzle.
We also have a Windows version of the program you can download it for free!
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